heaven's journals

...I'll try to know me. You'll try to understand me...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The bewildering Uhra Town

- But who...or how, what... would bring potassium chloride...to this region ? - stuttered Dan.
- It' s used, I think, to make the soil more fertile. But the weird part is, this land is now improper to grow anything; it is too sand-like.
- We got to find someone able to give us answers.

They looked around, and saw a hardware shop, with it's lights still lit.
- Strange, those kinds of shops aren't exactly convenience stores. Finding one at this hour still working is.... unresting - thought Dan out loud.
- Who cares ? We're in a small settlement, maybe they're organizing things, doesn't matter, there are a lot of strange things happening here all of a sudden, and this day is not going as I'd imagine - replied Eliah in a really anxious tone.
They ran to the shop. Then they looked through the window, which had vertical bars on it.

Nobody could be seen. Instinctively, they went foot by foot to the door, and waited a few seconds before knocking. Eliah gave four dry thuds. Nothing. Nobody replied, shouting that they were coming, or yelled. Nothing. Not even the sound of something falling. The two men looked to each other without knowing what to do.

- I' going to call my sister - said Dan decisively. He took out the cell phone and rang. A first time. Then a second and a third after that. A few minutes later, he gave up:
- It's no use. Her phone doesn't respond... still - he said in distress - I don't get it. She was supposed to be waiting for me. It was the arrangement.
Eliah started walking, hasty:
- I' m going to my Uncle's home. And then I'll figure out something. Anything is better than to be just standing here doing nothing.
- You're right. But I'm worried about my sister. Can you still lead me to the station ?
- Sure, as you wish, Mr. - he had forgotten Dan's name, but he didn't mind it - Does your sister also live here ?
- Yes, I believe so, as she moved to this region about two years ago. She came here to work in a new Genetics lab that was opened here; she is a researcher in Molecular Genetics.
- Oh, I see. She must work in the Biodine Org. Yes, it's the only Biology studying laboratory in the region. A lab that was controversial on the time of it's opening, about three and a half years ago, if I'm correct.
- Yes, I remember hearing something about it in the news.
- Well, it's not quite in the town, as it's located in the outer skirts uptown. It's a bit in the middle of nothing.

As they were walking, they passed by a cafeteria with the lights off. From that place a playing music could be heard. Once again, they halted, intrigued by that unexpected event.
- I know this song... it's from a French DJ's duo. It's called "Feeling for you", if I'm not mistaken - stated Dan, daunted for hearing that song in such an uncommon timing, and place. It was one of his likes, but at that time, the ominous feel made them want to scurry away from that place in the quickest way possible.

They fast paced through another block, and finding a clothing store with a door open and lights on, they entered, quietly.
- Where are the people in this village ?! - nervously mumbled Dan, as they didn't found anyone.
They left it rapidly and went their way. The sound of dogs howling to the moon at a distance was audible. After a few more minutes, they arrived to a four story building at the end of a street.
Eliah halted saying that there was his destination:
- My uncle lives here in the third floor. He has the two apartments. To go to the station, the easiest and quickest way is to take this cross-sectional street, turn left at the end of it, and you will see the railroad. as you reach it, just follow the tracks northeast, and as you walk fast, in less than 10 minutes you'll get to the station. I hope your sister is there to meet you.
- Thanks, I appreciate it. I pray that you find your family too.
- My uncle is seventy years old. He doesn't believe in cell phones, but he knows I'm coming. If something serious has happened, they can tell me what. See you, Mr.
- Until next time.

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