heaven's journals

...I'll try to know me. You'll try to understand me...

Monday, February 12, 2007

The lost ravine (cont.)

A metallic cricketing sound was echoing in the air, but it had a strange and ominous feeling attached to it. Tones of medium dark blue dominated in the exterior giving an unsettling feel. The people that managed to get up quicker were leaning in the windows trying to see what happened. Many of the travellers were still in the ground, without strength to get up.

Dan could feel the panic creeping in the passengers. The women began crying angstly.
-Oh my God, what was this?!?! Was this an earthquake?! - screamed anxiously the elderly woman that sat next to Dan throughout the journey.
- Did...we...collide against...another train ? It looks...just like...Titanic!! - babbled the skinny barman looking frantically to the ceiling. Despite the obscurity in the carriage, Dan looked at him and could saw that he was white pale.

In that instant a man irrupted through the door that would lead to the front's room. It was one of the stewards.
"Everybody's alright? Is there anybody injured?", he said in a very nervous face. A man who was near the door ran straight to him, hugged him with strength and asked him abruptly what had happened. Behind the steward came, through the same door, three more stewards, with worried faces and carrying LED flashlights. They quickly aided the people that were, still, on the floor.

- There is... a huge hole in the ground!! - said the woman that Dan had helped before, in a solemn tone. "What?!", he thought, and for the first time he gave her a good look at. He noticed that she was a little more than half a foot shorter than him, had long deep jet black hair in a ponytail, a small perky nose that gave her an insolent boy look, and an inconspicuous grey executive tailleur suit, with according shoes. Her black eyes were big and inexpressive. Her ponytail finished on her lower back, as if it was a horse's mane.
Dan then saw that she was wearing, strangely, a set of binoculars to see through the night. That was an object that, seemingly, had nothing to do with her. And that's how she could tell what was blocking the path. She didn't seem terribly worried or carried away by the events, though.

Dan asked her if he could borrow the set to see for himself. And with a very rational expression, she lent them.
He saw then the immense crater that engulfed a lot of the space he could see and occupied much of the port side of the train, and extended to the prow side and right side. Dan grabbed one of the flashlights and jumped through the window to get a better view, ignoring the stewards' thoughtful warnings. There were some people outside already, recklessly.
He walked to the train's prow, diverging the poles, and other obstacles, as he heard (and saw) other people getting out by the doors. The railroad disappeared inside that chasm. Dan estimated that it would be, at least, 200 feet wide. The train driver was already there, along with members of the crew, discussing what to do.

-Incredible! It's... true !! What could cause this massive gap ? How... how is it possible ?- Dan said, positively daunted, contemplating the hazard.

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